Monday, July 17, 2017

Grinding my own meat

Last year, my sister and I came across the grinder attachment for the kitchen aid.  I couldn't believe it!  You know what I couldn't believe more??  That the price was only $5.00.  That's right - $5.00! Oh, and it was also brand new.  So, never mind the fact I hadn't been looking for one - I HAD to have it just for the price alone. 😁

So, alas for a year, I've been wanting to try this out, but there really wasn't a need.  We used to buy part of a cow before we moved out to Arkansas, and so up until a few months ago, we were still enjoying that.

So last week was finally the week!  I had bought a 2.01 lb chuck roast shoulder on sale for $6.  Out of that, I got 1.11 lbs of ground beef.

I know you are figuring out the math right at this moment and saying - I don't know about this (The fact is yes it does make the ground beef a bit pricey at $5.41/lb) The process was super easy, not that messy, and the end result was a much, much higher quality food in Mr. Homemade Canner's opinion.

You might be wondering how it's done.  The Kitchenaid's Direction booklet recommended having the meat partially frozen (which was actually already done for me since I froze it immediately when I got home since it was going to expire soon!).

From there, you cut it into sections so that the grinder can do it's job.  It also said to make sure the mixer was on level 4.  And then away it goes - Yes it really was just that simple!!
For ground beef, it is recommended to put it through the grinder twice.

Here's the results before it turned into tacos!

The possibilities of this gadget are endless!!  The directions also showed how you can do nuts and veggies with this handy device.....

Looking forward to you comments as to what food I should try this out on next!

Thanks for stopping by and have a great day!!

***Disclaimer - I'm not being paid or compensated in any way by Kitchen Aid for this review.

I am a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites

Sunday, July 9, 2017

Canning Strawberry Butter Recipe

As you know, I recently posted about canning Strawberry Syrup & I had leftover strawberry pulp.  I asked some friends what to do with this pulp, and one of them recommended Strawberry Butter.
So that's exactly what I decided to try!  And man oh man - am I ever happy that I did!  It is scrumptious!!!!!We  had friends visiting from out of state and so we were able to try this on biscuits.  The whole jar was gobbled up!!
Go ahead, try this recipe so you can have it at your next brunch.

Strawberry Butter Recipe

2 cups strawberry pulp (roughly 12 cups strawberries)
2 cups sugar
2 tbsp lemon juice

To get the pulp, first wash and hull 12 cups of strawberries.  Add the berries to a pot of 1/2 - 1 cup of water.  Boil for 5-10 minutes, then reduce heat and simmer for 20 minutes.  Place in a colander to drain for several hours if you wish, or press as much juice out as you can,  The pulp is what is leftover in the colander.  (Need a recipe for the juice?  Click here.)
Put pulp back into stock pot.  Add in the sugar and lemon juice.  Mix well.  Cook the mixture on low and let it thicken.  For me, this didn't take but maybe 30 minutes.  But it will all depend on how thick or thin you want your butter.
When it is the consistency you want - ladle into hot jars, leaving 1/2 inch of headspace.  Process in a water bath for 10 minutes.

Enjoy this on biscuits, sliced bread, muffins, pancakes, & waffles!!

Looking forward to hearing if you like this recipe as much as I do!

As always, if you have a recipe you want me to try for you - leave a comment below!

Thanks for reading & happy canning 😊